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Comtie Command is a decent corporation that mostly runs in high security empire area. Thus, we provide all possible activities which are safe to do in the center of the whole EVE universe. Although, we do have experience with things you can do in low security area. For now, the three main focuses are Missioning, Mining, and Exploration&PvP.

Mission Running


We have two mission fleets running all the time. One is Spider Fleet which members do their own missions and share standings, loyalty points, and isk rewards. This way corporation standings will raise equally and fast. The other one is Locust Fleet which members have their own roles

participating in one single mission. Typically, this fleet consists of a tanker,

various damage dealers, a logistic supporter, and a salvager.  ​​


On every weekend, we host several hardcore mission ops and epic arc fleets. This is where the most interesting parts come together. You would experience a feeling of shooting.

The Sand Box
The Sand Box



​A prosperous corporation needs a strong mining fleet. Resources come from the basic material - ores. We have an effective mining fleet that are boosted by an orca, a capital mining ship. Comtie Command will manufacture items by using these ores.  Thus, we provide free reprocess service for these ores.


A well-built mining ops structure is also important. We carry out a motivating mechanism on miners rewarding, which you will be rewarded ships and tax rate reducing privilege after you work for  ​comtie command for a certain time.

The Sand Box

Exploration & PvP

Wormholes, DED Spaces, and Low-Sec Area, are the wonderlands of captains. You will never know what would happen in these mysterious places along with invaluable wealth. That is the reason why you need a team for such things.​


We offer a good exploration fleet with skilled pilots who will conduct you to the dangerous celestial sites in the New Eden. We fight; we laugh; we gain! Comtie Command also holds one internal PvP Tournament per month with  valuable rewards.

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